The outcomes below represent just a handful of the ways Crooker Consulting has helped innovate non-profits acheive their goals:
The Academy for Systems Change—Norwich, Vermont
Following an in-depth assessment, we helped the Academy design and launch its first strategic development plan. After a year of coaching and training, the board and staff at the Academy exceeded their fundraising goals and brought on their first professional development director. The Academy is now poised to effectively tap into a broadened donor pool to help them create lasting change.
- Assessment
- Strategic Planning
- Major Gifts
- Board Training
- Coaching and Implementation
- Executive Search

The Patricia Reser Center for the Arts—Beaverton, Oregon
Crooker Consulting teamed with Dianna Smiley, LLC to provide campaign counsel for this once-in-a-generation project. The $55 million project will serve as a catalyst for personal, cultural and economic growth, as well as increased civic pride and engagement. The Reser held its Grand Opening on April 8, 2022. I strongly encourage you to get to The Reser for a performance!

CARE, Inc.—Tillamook, Oregon
We helped CARE, Inc. successfully complete its first capital campaign to purchase its building. The Home for CARE Campaign led to a 16-percent increase in the size of the donor pool, and more than doubled the number of major gifts, setting the stage for successful fundraising for years to come.
- Capital Campaigns
- Case Statements
- Website Design
- Grant Writing

Literary Arts—Portland, Oregon
Upon completion of a comprehensive development assessment, we designed a multi-year fundraising strategic plan. Board engagement and training led to a significant increase in fundraising investment, including addition of new positions. We also led design and implementation of sustainable major and planned giving programs, leading to a significant increase in annual leadership gifts.
- Assessment
- Strategic Planning
- Board Development
- Workshops and Training
- Major Gifts
- Planned Giving
- Implementation
- Coaching
Nordic Northwest
We supported Nordic Northwest as they navigated a leadership transition. With our support, the board of Nordic Northwest stepped up and led a successful challenge grant program, leading to substantial increased giving and donor engagement, and resulting in the organization’s first-ever $1M gift. We also helped the board and membership clarify their hopes and aspirations for their new leader, and led an executive search resulting in the hire of a dynamic new executive director.
- Assessment
- Coaching, Training and Active Fundraising
- Strategic Planning
- Executive Search

SPOON Foundation—Portland, Oregon
We led the design and implementation of a solid major gifts program, leading to increased giving to SPOON’s first-ever capital campaign. Through targeted coaching and training, the executive director and board chair have increased their comfort with and understanding of the role of face-to-face fundraising, and are raising increasingly significant gifts.
- Capital Campaigns
- Major Gifts
- Board Development
- Coaching

The Sunshine Division—Portland, Oregon
We led development of a three-year strategic plan, fully integrating inspired fundraising strategies. We provided board and staff training that led to enhanced major and planned giving programs, including launch of the organization’s first-ever capital campaign. We also wrote a successful capacity-building grant that led to hiring a full-time major gifts officer.
- Strategic Planning
- Capital Campaigns
- Major Gifts
- Planned Giving
- Grant Writing
- Board Development
- Workshops and Training
- Executive Search